The EANM guideline for radiosynoviorthesis

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  • W. U. Kampen
  • B. Boddenberg-Pätzold
  • M. Fischer
  • M. Gabriel
  • R. Klett
  • M. Konijnenberg
  • E. Kresnik
  • H. Lellouche
  • F. Paycha
  • Terslev, Lene
  • C. Turkmen
  • F. van der Zant
  • L. Antunovic
  • E. Panagiotidis
  • G. Gnanasegaran
  • T. Kuwert
  • T. Van den Wyngaert
  • the EANM Bone & Joint Committee, the Dosimetry Committee, the Oncology & Theranostics Committee

Purpose: Radiosynoviorthesis (RSO) using the intraarticular application of beta-particle emitting radiocolloids has for decades been used for the local treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. The injected radiopharmaceuticals are phagocytized by the superficial macrophages of the synovial membrane, resulting in sclerosis and fibrosis of the formerly inflamed tissue, finally leading to reduced joint effusion and alleviation of joint pain. Methods: The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) has written and approved these guidelines in tight collaboration with an international team of clinical experts, including rheumatologists. Besides clinical and procedural aspects, different national legislative issues, dosimetric considerations, possible complications, and side effects are addressed. Conclusion: These guidelines will assist nuclear medicine physicians in performing radiosynoviorthesis. Since there are differences regarding the radiopharmaceuticals approved for RSO and the official indications between several European countries, this guideline can only give a framework that must be adopted individually.

TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)681-708
Antal sider28
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank the EANM Committees and the National Societies of Nuclear Medicine for the revision of this guideline. The comments and suggestions from the EANM Dosimetry Committee, the Oncology & Theranostics Committee, the Radiation Protection Committee, the Inflammation & Infection Committee, the Radiopharmacy Committee and the Technologist Committee, and the comments and suggestions from the Swedish, the Polish and the French Society of Nuclear Medicine, and the European League against Rheumatism (eular) are highly appreciated and have been considered for this guideline.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s).

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