The Danish HIV Birth Cohort (DHBC) - A nationwide, prospective cohort

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Purpose The purpose of the Danish HIV Birth Cohort (DHBC) is to investigate the significance of HIV-1 infection in pregnancy and after delivery in women living with HIV (WLWH) in Denmark and their children, in the era of antiretroviral therapy and other interventions for treatment and prophylaxis. Participants All WLWH giving birth to one or more children in Denmark after 31 December 1999 are included, with consecutive ongoing enrolment, if they are living with HIV and pregnant, or if they are diagnosed with HIV in relation to pregnancy, delivery or shortly after delivery. Findings to date DHBC has been used to describe trends in the management of pregnancies in WLWH and their outcomes on a nationwide basis, mode of delivery and predictors of emergency caesarean section as well as risk factors during pregnancy in WLWH for birth-related complications compared with women from the general population (WGP). We have found that HIV-exposed, but uninfected (HEU) children born to WLWH had a lower median birth weight and gestational age and were at higher risk of intrauterine growth retardation than children born to WGP. We have investigated risk of in-hospital admission and use of antibiotics during the first 4 years of life among HEU children and showed that HEU children had an increased risk of overall hospital admission compared with a matched control group of unexposed children. Further, we compared anthropometric outcomes in children with a matched control group of children not exposed to HIV. Future plans To continuously investigate the significance of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy and after delivery in WLWH in Denmark and their HEU children and compare these findings with children born to WGP.

TidsskriftBMJ Open
Udgave nummer7
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

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ID: 275014877