Test-retest repeatability of the pupil light response to blue and red light stimuli in normal human eyes using a novel pupillometer

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  • Kristina Herbst
  • Birgit Sander
  • Milea, Dan
  • Henrik Lund-Andersen
  • Aki Kawasaki
In this study, we evaluated the repeatability of pupil responses to colored light stimuli in healthy subjects using a prototype chromatic pupillometer. One eye of 10 healthy subjects was tested twice in the same day using monochromatic light exposure at two selected wavelengths (660 and 470¿nm, intensity 300¿cd/m(2)) presented continuously for 20¿s. Pupil responses were recorded in real-time before, during, and after light exposure. Maximal contraction amplitude and sustained contraction amplitude were calculated. In addition, we quantified the summed pupil response during continuous light stimulation as the total area between a reference line representing baseline pupil size and the line representing actual pupil size over 20¿s (area under the curve). There was no significant difference in the repeated measure compared to the first test for any of the pupil response parameters. In conclusion, we have developed a novel prototype of color pupillometer which demonstrates good repeatability in evoking and recording the pupillary response to a bright blue and red light stimulus.
TidsskriftFrontiers in Neurology
Sider (fra-til)10
StatusUdgivet - 2011

ID: 40179736