Temporal changes in pulmonary gas exchange efficiency when breath-hold diving below residual volume

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  • Alexander Patrician
  • Boris Spajić
  • Christopher Gasho
  • Caldwell, Hannah Grace
  • Tony Dawkins
  • Michael Stembridge
  • Andrew T Lovering
  • Geoff B Coombs
  • Connor A Howe
  • Otto Barak
  • Ivan Drviš
  • Željko Dujić
  • Philip N Ainslie

Breath-hold diving involves highly integrative and extreme physiological responses to both exercise and asphyxia during progressive elevations in hydrostatic pressure. Over two diving training camps (Study 1 and 2), 25 breath-hold divers (recreational to world-champion) performed 66 dives to 57 ± 20 m (range: 18–117 m). Using the deepest dive from each diver, temporal changes in cardiopulmonary function were assessed using non-invasive pulmonary gas exchange (indexed via the O2 deficit), ultrasound B-line scores, lung compliance and pulmonary haemodynamics at baseline and following the dive. Hydrostatically induced lung compression was quantified in Study 2, using spirometry and lung volume measurement, enabling each dive to be categorized by its residual volume (RV)-equivalent depth. From both studies, pulmonary gas exchange inefficiency – defined as an increase in O2 deficit – was related to the depth of the dive (r2= 0.345; P < 0.001), with dives associated with lung squeeze symptoms exhibiting the greatest deficits. In Study 1, although B-lines doubled from baseline (P = 0.027), cardiac output and pulmonary artery systolic pressure were unchanged post-dive. In Study 2, dives with lung compression to ≤RV had higher O2 deficits at 9 min, compared to dives that did not exceed RV (24 ± 25 vs. 5 ± 8 mmHg; P = 0.021). The physiological significance of a small increase in estimated lung compliance post-dive (via decreased and increased/unaltered airway resistance and reactance, respectively) remains equivocal. Following deep dives, the current study highlights an integrated link between hydrostatically induced lung compression and transient impairments in pulmonary gas exchange efficiency.

TidsskriftExperimental Physiology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)1120-1133
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2021
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note


ID: 258707094