Survival after adjuvant chemoradiotherapy or surgery alone in resectable adenocarcinoma at the gastro-esophageal junction

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  • Steen Christian Kofoed
  • A Muhic
  • Lene Bæksgaard Jensen
  • M Jendresen
  • J Gustafsen
  • Jakob Holm
  • L Bardram
  • B Brandt
  • J Brenø
  • Svendsen, Lars Bo
Longterm survival after curative resection for adenocarcinoma at the gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ) range between 18% and 50%. In the pivotal Intergroup-0116 Phase III trial by Macdonald et all, adjuvant chemoradiotherapy improved both disease-free and overall survival in curatively resected patients with mainly gastric adenocarcinoma. We compared survival data for curatively resected patients with adeno-carcinoma solely at the gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ), treated with surgery alone or surgery and adjuvant chemoradio-therapy.
TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Surgery
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)26-31
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 48421312