Subradiant Emission from Regular Atomic Arrays: Universal Scaling of Decay Rates from the Generalized Bloch Theorem

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  • Yu-Xiang Zhang
  • Klaus Molmer

The Hermitian part of the field-mediated dipole-dipole interaction in infinite periodic arrays of two-level atoms yields an energy band of the singly excited states. In this Letter, we show that a dispersion relation, omega k - omega(kex) proportional to (k - k(ex))(s), near the band edge of the infmite system leads to the existence of subradiant states of finite one-dimensional arrays of N atoms with decay rates scaling as N-(s+1). This explains the recently discovered N-3 scaling and it leads to the prediction of power law scaling with higher power for special values of the lattice period. For the quantum optical implementation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger topological model in a dimerized emitter array, the band gap closing inherent to topological transitions changes the value of s in the dispersion relation and alters the decay rates of the subradiant states by many orders of magnitude.

TidsskriftPhysical Review Letters
Udgave nummer25
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 14 dec. 2020

ID: 255161289