Steps to construct educational interventions on sexual dysfunction for healthcare professionals and patients. Experiences from the SECRET research study-group

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To design an educational intervention on sexual dysfunction for patients suffering from schizophrenia and diabetes based on patients' and other relevant stakeholders' preferences, and to offer transparency into the basic decision-making process behind a final design.

We conducted a three-part investigation to explore theory, preferences, and feasibility based on literature searches and interviews with patients, healthcare professionals, heads of Assertive Community Treatment Centres and experts. Based on a content analysis of this material, a draft of the intervention was developed. The draft was quality-checked by involvement of stakeholder representatives and refined to its final design.

The intervention evolved into having two components: One intervention for patients and one for healthcare professionals. In patient education, meeting peers and predictability were important factors. For healthcare professionals, daily clinical activities were prioritised.

We present a framework for an educational intervention about sexual dysfunction, schizophrenia and diabetes targeting both patients and healthcare professionals.

The transparency of the design process underlying the interventions allows for reproduction and eases further refinement, extension, and adjustment if implemented in other contexts.
TidsskriftPEC Innovation
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
A special thanks to all participating patients, HCPs and heads of ACCs, who contributed with their lived experiences and preferences for educational interventions. Thanks to Steno Diabetes Center Sjaelland and Region Zealand Health Scientific Research Foundation who provided research grants for the study.

Funding Information:
This work was supported by a research grant from Steno Diabetes Centre Sjaelland and the regional research fund of Region Zealand , Denmark (Den Regionale Forskningsfond, Region Sj\u00E6lland ).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

ID: 396940382