Sports injury prevention programmes from the sports physical therapist's perspective: An international expert Delphi approach

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  • Luciana De Michelis Mendonca
  • Joke Schuermans
  • Sander Denolf
  • Christopher Napier
  • Natalia F. N. Bittencourt
  • Andres Romanuk
  • Igor Tak
  • Mario Bizzini
  • Carlo Ramponi
  • Colin Paterson
  • Martin Hagglund
  • Laurent Malisoux
  • Wesam Saleh A. Al Attar
  • Mina Samukawa
  • Ernest Esteve
  • Ummkulthoum Bakare
  • Maria Constantinou
  • Anthony Schneiders
  • Alexandre Cavallieri Gomes
  • Didier Florentz
  • Derya Ozer Kaya
  • Syahmirza Indra Lesmana
  • Joar Haroy
  • Vesa Kuparinen
  • Nicola Philips
  • Walter Jenkins
  • Evi Wezenbeek
  • Erik Witvrouw

Objective: To provide consensus on how to plan, organize and implement exercise-based injury prevention program (IPP) in sports. Design: Delphi. Setting: LimeSurvey platform. Participants: Experienced sports physical therapists from the International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy member countries. Main outcome measures: Factors related to sports IPP planning, organization and implementation. Results: We included 305 participants from 32 countries. IPP planning should be based on an athlete's injury history, on pre-season screening results, and on injury rates (respectively, 98%, 92%, 89% agreement). In total 97% participants agreed that IPP organization should depend on the athlete's age, 93% on the competition level, and 93% on the availability of low-cost materials. It was agreed that IPP should mainly be implemented in warm-up sessions delivered by the head or strength/conditioning coach, with physical training sessions and individual physical therapy sessions (respectively, 94%, 92%, 90% agreement). Conclusion: Strong consensus was reached on (1) IPP based on the athlete's injury history, pre-season screening and evidence-based sports-specific injury rates; (2) IPP organization based on the athlete's age, competition level, and the availability of low-cost materials and (3) IPP implementation focussing on warm-up sessions implemented by the strength/conditioning coach, and/or individual prevention sessions by the physical therapist. (c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

TidsskriftPhysical Therapy in Sport
Sider (fra-til)146-154
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - maj 2022

ID: 315575999