Spins, Parity, Excitation Energies and Octupole Structure of an Excited Superdeformed Band in 194 Hg and Implications for Identical Bands - Reply

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  • G. Hackman
  • T.L. Khoo
  • M.P. Carpenter
  • T. Laurtisen
  • A.P. Lopez-Martens
  • I.J. Calderin
  • R.V.F. Janssens
  • D. Ackermann
  • I. Ahmad
  • S. Agrawala
  • D.J. Blumenthal
  • S.M. Fisher
  • D. Nisius
  • P. Chard C. Reiter
  • J. Young
  • H. Amro
  • E.F. Moore
  • F. Hannachi
  • A. Korichi
  • I.Y. Lee
  • A.O. Macchiavelli
  • T. Nakatsukasa
TidsskriftPhysical Review Letters
Udgave nummer80
Sider (fra-til)4611
StatusUdgivet - 1998

Bibliografisk note


ID: 204689