Skin Problems due to Treatment with Diabetes Technology: A Narrative Review

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Diabetes devices, such as insulin pumps, glucose sensors, and integrated automated insulin delivery systems, have brought about a transformative impact on the management of diabetes. This impact has been particularly significant for individuals with type 1 diabetes and increasingly for those with type 2 diabetes. These devices are designed for continuous wear, necessitating the consistent use of infusion sets, patch pumps, or glucose sensors that are inserted into the skin.

Regrettably, numerous studies have highlighted that skin-related issues stemming from diabetes devices are rather common. These problems encompass various forms of skin injury, allergic and irritative contact dermatitis, itching, wound formation, scarring, and lipodystrophies. The utilization of diabetes devices, both in the present and the foreseeable future, faces significant challenges due to these skin complications, but preventive strategies exist for especially skin injuries including use of a skin care regimen or patches. These challenges culminate not only in the discontinuation of device usage but also in decrease in quality of life and heavier disease burden.

This narrative literature review comprehensively synthesizes existing knowledge about skin problems triggered by diabetes devices, encompassing children, adolescents, and adults. The review delves into definitions, underlying causes, prevention strategies, and treatment approaches. Finally, the review provides recommendations for future research directions in skin problems and suggestions for advancement of in the part of diabetes devices in close contact with the skin to reduce device-related skin problems.
TidsskriftMedical Research Archives
Udgave nummer11
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2023

ID: 395149133