Skin & Digital – the 2022 startups

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  • Dominique du Crest
  • Lilit Garibyan
  • Hædersdal, Merete
  • A. Zink
  • Monisha Madhumita
  • Yoram Harth
  • Sarah Bechstein
  • Jon Friis
  • Christian Riemer
  • Neal Kumar
  • Sampo Parkkinen
  • Viktor Shpudeiko
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)899-903
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
D. du Crest is the co-founder of the Skin & Digital Summit, he is a shareholder and receives salary from SkinAid sas. L. Garibyan is the co-founder and director of the Magic Wand Initiative and has received funding from Advancing Innovation in Dermatology and from LEO Pharma for the Virtual Magic Wand programs. M. Hædersdal is the European ambassador of the Magic Wand Initiative and does not receive any funding for her role. M. Madhumita owns a majority stake in Dermanalytica. Y. Harth is a shareholder and receives a salary from MDalgorithms Inc. S. Bechstein is a shareholder and receives a salary from FORMEL Skin group. J. Friis is a shareholder and receives salary from Miiskin. C. Riemer is employed at NØIE. N. Kumar is a shareholder of Piction Health. S. Parkkinen is a shareholder and receives a salary from Revieve. V. Shpudeiko works and receives a salary from Skinive B.V. A. Zink has no conflict of interest to declare.

ID: 397240636