Single-cell spatial transcriptome reveals cell-type organization in the macaque cortex

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  • Yidi Sun
  • Ying Lei
  • Chao Li
  • Sha Liao
  • Juan Meng
  • Yiqin Bai
  • Zhen Liu
  • Zhifeng Liang
  • Zhiyong Zhu
  • Nini Yuan
  • Hao Yang
  • Zihan Wu
  • Feng Lin
  • Kexin Wang
  • Mei Li
  • Shuzhen Zhang
  • Meisong Yang
  • Tianyi Fei
  • Zhenkun Zhuang
  • Yiming Huang
  • Yong Zhang
  • Yuanfang Xu
  • Luman Cui
  • Ruiyi Zhang
  • Lei Han
  • Xing Sun
  • Bichao Chen
  • Wenjiao Li
  • Baoqian Huangfu
  • Kailong Ma
  • Jianyun Ma
  • Zhao Li
  • Yikun Lin
  • He Wang
  • Yanqing Zhong
  • Huifang Zhang
  • Qian Yu
  • Yaqian Wang
  • Xing Liu
  • Jian Peng
  • Chuanyu Liu
  • Wei Chen
  • Wentao Pan
  • Yingjie An
  • Shihui Xia
  • Yanbing Lu
  • Mingli Wang
  • Xinxiang Song
  • Shuai Liu
  • Zhifeng Wang
  • Chun Gong
  • Xin Huang
  • Yue Yuan
  • Yun Zhao
  • Qinwen Chai
  • Xing Tan
  • Jianfeng Liu
  • Mingyuan Zheng
  • Shengkang Li
  • Yaling Huang
  • Yan Hong
  • Zirui Huang
  • Min Li
  • Mengmeng Jin
  • Yan Li
  • Hui Zhang
  • Suhong Sun
  • Li Gao
  • Yinqi Bai
  • Mengnan Cheng
  • Guohai Hu
  • Shiping Liu
  • Bo Wang
  • Bin Xiang
  • Shuting Li
  • Huanhuan Li
  • Mengni Chen
  • Shiwen Wang
  • Minglong Li
  • Weibin Liu
  • Xin Liu
  • Qian Zhao
  • Jing Wang
  • Jiao Fang
  • Yun Lin
  • Qing Xie
  • Jie He
  • Huatai Xu
  • Wei Huang
  • Jan Mulder
  • Huanming Yang
  • Yangang Sun
  • Mathias Uhlen
  • Muming Poo
  • Jian Wang
  • Jianhua Yao
  • Wu Wei
  • Yuxiang Li
  • Zhiming Shen
  • Longqi Liu
  • Zhiyong Liu
  • Xun Xu
  • Chengyu Li
Elucidating the cellular organization of the cerebral cortex is critical for understanding brain structure and function. Using large-scale single-nucleus RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomic analysis of 143 macaque cortical regions, we obtained a comprehensive atlas of 264 transcriptome-defined cortical cell types and mapped their spatial distribution across the entire cortex. We characterized the cortical layer and region preferences of glutamatergic, GABAergic, and non-neuronal cell types, as well as regional differences in cell-type composition and neighborhood complexity. Notably, we discovered a relationship between the regional distribution of various cell types and the region’s hierarchical level in the visual and somatosensory systems. Cross-species comparison of transcriptomic data from human, macaque, and mouse cortices further revealed primate-specific cell types that are enriched in layer 4, with their marker genes expressed in a region-dependent manner. Our data provide a cellular and molecular basis for understanding the evolution, development, aging, and pathogenesis of the primate brain.
Udgave nummer17
Sider (fra-til)3726-3743.e24
Antal sider43
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The project was supported by National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Program ( STI2030-2021ZD0200100 ), Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project ( 2018SHZDZX05 ), National Key R&D Program of China ( 2022YEF0203200 ), Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS ( XDB32010100 and XDA27010400 ), Lingang Laboratory ( LG202105-01-01 , LG202104-02 , LG202104-02-02 , LG202104-02-03 , LG202104-02-04 , and LG202104-02-06 ), Shanghai Municipal of Science and Technology Project ( 21015800100 ), International Partnership Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences ( 153D31KYSB20170059 ), Scientific Instrument Developing Project of CAS ( YJKYYQ20190052 ), Scientific Instrument Developing Project of NNSFC ( 31827803 ), National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 31900466 and 32161133024 ), and Shenzhen Basic Research Project for Excellent Young Scholars ( 2020251518 ). This work is part of the “SpatioTemporal Omics Consortium” (STOC) paper package. A list of STOC members is available at: . We would like to thank Xiaodong Lu for his help in figure improvement and Hanbo Chen for his contribution to image registration.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)

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