Single-cell biology: what does the future hold?

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  • Maria Polychronidou
  • Jingyi Hou
  • M Madan Babu
  • Prisca Liberali
  • Ido Amit
  • Bart Deplancke
  • Galit Lahav
  • Shalev Itzkovitz
  • Mann, Matthias
  • Julio Saez-Rodriguez
  • Fabian Theis
  • Roland Eils

In this Editorial, our Chief Editor and members of our Advisory Editorial Board discuss recent breakthroughs, current challenges, and emerging opportunities in single-cell biology and share their vision of "where the field is headed."

TidsskriftMolecular Systems Biology
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)e11799
StatusUdgivet - 11 jul. 2023
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

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