Role of age, Rho-kinase 2 expression, and G protein-mediated signaling in the myogenic response in mouse small mesenteric arteries

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  • Karl Björling
  • Philomeena D Joseph
  • Kristian Egebjerg
  • Max Salomonsson
  • Jakob L Hansen
  • Trine P Ludvigsen
  • Jensen, Lars Jørn

The myogenic response (MR) and myogenic tone (MT) in resistance vessels is crucial for maintaining peripheral vascular resistance and blood flow autoregulation. Development of MT involves G protein-coupled receptors, and may be affected by aging.

AIMS: (1) to estimate the mesenteric blood flow in myogenically active small mesenteric arteries; (2) to investigate the signaling from Gαq/11 and/or Gα12 activation to MT development; (3) to investigate the role of Rho-kinase 2 and aging on MT in mesenteric resistance arteries.

METHODS: we used pressure myography, quantitative real-time PCR, and immunolocalization to study small (<200 μm) mesenteric arteries (SMA) from young, mature adult, and middle aged mice.

RESULTS: Poiseuille flow calculations indicated autoregulation of blood flow at 60-120 mm Hg arterial pressure. Gαq/11 and Gα12 were abundantly expressed at the mRNA and protein levels in SMA. The Gαq/11 inhibitor YM-254890 suppressed MT development, and the Phosholipase C inhibitors U73122 and ET-18-OCH3 robustly inhibited it. We found an age-dependent increase in ROCK2 mRNA expression, and in basal MT. The specific ROCK2 inhibitor KD025 robustly inhibited MT in SMAs in all mice with an age-dependent variation in KD025 sensitivity. The inhibitory effect of KD025 was not prevented by the L-type Ca2+ channel activator BayK 8644. KD025 reversibly inhibited MT and endothelin-1 vasoconstriction in small pial arteries from Göttingen minipigs.

CONCLUSIONS: MT development in SMAs occurs through a Gαq/11/PLC/Ca2+-dependent pathway, and is maintained via ROCK2-mediated Ca2+ sensitization. Increased MT at mature adulthood can be explained by increased ROCK2 expression/activity.

TidsskriftPhysiological Reports
Udgave nummer17
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 10 sep. 2018

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