Risk of triple-class virological failure in children with HIV: a retrospective cohort study

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  • Hannah Castro
  • Ali Judd
  • Diana M Gibb
  • Karina Butler
  • Rebecca K Lodwick
  • Ard van Sighem
  • Jose T Ramos
  • Josiane Warsawski
  • Claire Thorne
  • Antoni Noguera-Julian
  • Obel, Niels
  • Dominique Costagliola
  • Pat A Tookey
  • Céline Colin
  • Jesper Kjaer
  • Jesper Grarup
  • Genevieve Chene
  • Andrew Phillips
  • Pursuing Later Treatment Options II (PLATO II) project team for the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE)
In adults with HIV treated with antiretroviral drug regimens from within the three original drug classes (nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors [NRTIs], non-NRTIs [NNRTIs], and protease inhibitors), virological failure occurs slowly, suggesting that long-term virological suppression can be achieved in most people, even in areas where access is restricted to drugs from these classes. It is unclear whether this is the case for children, the group who will need to maintain viral suppression for longest. We aimed to determine the rate and predictors of triple-class virological failure to the three original drugs classes in children.
Udgave nummer9777
Sider (fra-til)1580-7
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 7 maj 2011

ID: 33872266