Rescue from excitotoxicity and axonal degeneration accompanied by age-dependent behavioral and neuroanatomical alterations in caspase-6-deficient mice

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  • Valeria Uribe
  • Bibiana K Y Wong
  • Rona K Graham
  • Corey L Cusack
  • Mahmoud A Pouladi
  • Yuanyun Xie
  • Konstantin Feinberg
  • Yimiao Ou
  • Yingbin Ouyang
  • Yu Deng
  • Sonia Franciosi
  • Nagat Bissada
  • Amanda Spreeuw
  • Weining Zhang
  • Dagmar E Ehrnhoefer
  • Kuljeet Vaid
  • Freda D Miller
  • Mohanish Deshmukh
  • David Howland
  • Michael R Hayden

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a cellular pathway involved in normal cell turnover, developmental tissue remodeling, embryonic development, cellular homeostasis maintenance and chemical-induced cell death. Caspases are a family of intracellular proteases that play a key role in apoptosis. Aberrant activation of caspases has been implicated in human diseases. In particular, numerous findings implicate Caspase-6 (Casp6) in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer disease (AD) and Huntington disease (HD), highlighting the need for a deeper understanding of Casp6 biology and its role in brain development. The use of targeted caspase-deficient mice has been instrumental for studying the involvement of caspases in apoptosis. The goal of this study was to perform an in-depth neuroanatomical and behavioral characterization of constitutive Casp6-deficient (Casp6-/-) mice in order to understand the physiological function of Casp6 in brain development, structure and function. We demonstrate that Casp6-/- neurons are protected against excitotoxicity, nerve growth factor deprivation and myelin-induced axonal degeneration. Furthermore, Casp6-deficient mice show an age-dependent increase in cortical and striatal volume. In addition, these mice show a hypoactive phenotype and display learning deficits. The age-dependent behavioral and region-specific neuroanatomical changes observed in the Casp6-/- mice suggest that Casp6 deficiency has a more pronounced effect in brain regions that are involved in neurodegenerative diseases, such as the striatum in HD and the cortex in AD.

TidsskriftHuman Molecular Genetics
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)1954-67
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 1 maj 2012
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 153451495