Renal phenotypic investigations of megalin-deficient patients: novel insights into tubular proteinuria and albumin filtration

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  • Tina Storm
  • Tranebjærg, Lisbeth
  • Carina Frykholm
  • Henrik Birn
  • Pierre J. Verroust
  • Tryggve Nevéus
  • Birgitta Sundelin
  • Jens Michael Hertz
  • Gerd Holmström
  • Katharina Ericson
  • Erik Ilsø Christensen
  • Rikke Nielsen
The reabsorption of filtered plasma proteins, hormones and vitamins by the renal proximal tubules is vital for body homeostasis. Studies of megalin-deficient mice suggest that the large multi-ligand endocytic receptor megalin plays an essential role in this process. In humans, dysfunctional megalin causes the extremely rare Donnai-Barrow/Facio-Oculo-Acustico-Renal (DB/FOAR) syndrome characterized by a characteristic and multifaceted phenotype including low-molecular-weight proteinuria. In this study, we examined the role of megalin for tubular protein reabsorption in humans through analysis of proximal tubular function in megalin-deficient patients.
TidsskriftNephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)585-91
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2013

ID: 47456090