Relationship Between Changes in Workplace Bullying Status and the Reporting of Personality Characteristics

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  • Roger Persson
  • Annie Høgh
  • Matias Brødsgaard Grynderup
  • Morten Vejs Willert
  • Maria Gullander
  • Hansen, Åse Marie
  • Henrik Albert Kolstad
  • Ole Mors
  • Eva Gemze Mikkelsen
  • Ann Suhl Kristensen
  • Linda Kaerlev
  • Rugulies, Reiner Ernst
  • Jens Peter Ellekilde Bonde

OBJECTIVE: To examine whether a shift in work-related bullying status, from being non-bullied to being bullied or vice versa, was associated with changes in reporting of personality characteristics.

METHODS: Data on bullying and personality (neuroticism, extraversion, and sense of coherence) were collected in three waves approximately 2 years apart (N = 4947). Using a within-subjects design, personality change scores that followed altered bullying status were evaluated with one-sample t tests. Sensitivity analyses targeted depressive symptoms.

RESULTS: Shifts from non-bullied to frequently bullied were associated with increased neuroticism or decreased sense of coherence manageability scores. Shifts from bullied to non-bullied were associated with decreasing neuroticism and increasing extraversion scores, or increasing sense of coherence meaningfulness and comprehensibility scores. Excluding depressive cases had minor effects.

CONCLUSIONS: Bullying seems to some extent to affect personality scale scores, which thus seem sensitive to environmental and social circumstances.

TidsskriftJournal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)902–910
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2016

ID: 164585278