Redo-TAVI with SAPIEN 3 in SAPIEN XT or SAPIEN 3 – impact of pre- and post-dilatation on final THV expansion

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  • David Meier
  • Uri Landes
  • Søndergaard, Lars
  • De Backer, Ole
  • Georg Lutter
  • Thomas Puehler
  • Mariama Akodad
  • Georgios Tzimas
  • Philipp Blanke
  • Geoffrey W. Payne
  • Althea Lai
  • Hacina Gill
  • David A. Wood
  • John G. Webb
  • Stephanie L. Sellers
  • Janarthanan Sathananthan
Background: When a balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve (THV) is chosen to treat a failed balloon-expandable THV, there is a risk of underexpansion with a potential impact on performance.

Aims: We aimed to assess the impact of pre- and post-dilatation on the expansion of balloon-expandable THVs after redo-transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).

Methods: Redo-TAVI was performed on the bench with a 23 mm SAPIEN 3 (S3) implanted within a 23 mm SAPIEN XT (SXT) or a 23 mm S3, both of which served as the “failed” THVs. Pre- and/or post-dilatation was performed using a 23 mm non-compliant TRUE balloon. Expansion of the index and redo-THVs were assessed before and after pre-/post-dilatation using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT), and THV hydrodynamic testing was conducted.

Results: Without pre- or post-dilatation, the S3 was underexpanded, for all combinations, particularly in the mid-portion of the THV (18.6 mm and 19.7 mm representing 81% and 86% of the nominal diameter inside the SXT and S3, respectively).

Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)757-765
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
D. Meier is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant P2LAP3_199561, Bern, Switzerland) and the SICPA foundation (Lausanne, Switzerland). G. Tzimas is supported by the Fondation Vaudoise de Cardiologie (Lausanne, Switzerland) and the SICPA foundation (Lausanne, Switzerland).

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