Pre-treatment with sumatriptan for cilostazol induced headache in healthy volunteers

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BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate that sumatriptan is not effective when second messenger levels are high as after cilostazol provocation. Therefore, we have conducted the present study, where sumatriptan is administrated as pretreatment before cAMP increases due to cilostazol intake. Our hypothesis was that pretreatment with sumatriptan would have a significant effect against cilostazol induced headache in healthy volunteers.

METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, crossover design, 30 healthy volunteers of both sexes received cilostazol 200 mg on two separate days, each day preceded by oral sumatriptan (2 × 50 mg) or placebo. Headache response and accompanying symptoms were registered in a questionnaire by the participants themselves.

RESULTS: Cilostazol induced a mild to moderate headache in all but 3 participants (Range 0-7 on Numerical Rating Scale). There was no significant difference in headache score 2 h (p = 0.67) or 4 h (p = 0.1) after treatment between the 2 days. Median peak headache score was 1.5 (range 0-5) on the sumatriptan day and 2 (range 0-7) on the placebo day (p = 0.26).

CONCLUSION: Pre-treatment with sumatriptan prevents cilostazol induced headache from developing. However, the placebo group did not develop enough headache to get statistical significant results. The cilostazol pre-treatment model is valuable for experimental headache research and perhaps for testing drugs with another mechanism of action.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: Identifier: NCT03156920 .

TidsskriftThe Journal of Headache and Pain
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2018

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