Porcine surfactant protein D (pSP-D): aspects of the characterization, immunolocalization and involvement in the pulmonary mucosal defence

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskning

  • C. M. Sørensen
  • U. Holmskov
  • Aalbæk, Bent
  • P. M. H. Heegaard
  • O. L. Nielsen
Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - 2004
BegivenhedAnnual Meeting and Symposium of the Nordic Society for Veterinary Pathology, Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Nordic Society for Veterinary Pathology - København
Varighed: 1 jan. 2004 → …
Konferencens nummer: 28


KonferenceAnnual Meeting and Symposium of the Nordic Society for Veterinary Pathology, Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Nordic Society for Veterinary Pathology
Periode01/01/2004 → …

Bibliografisk note

Kode for udgivelsesland: 'dk' Kode for bibliotekets beholdning: 'modtaget' Ukendte organisationer '\'Speciel Patologi\''

ID: 7941636