Pan-cancer association of DNA repair deficiencies with whole-genome mutational patterns

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DNA repair deficiencies in cancers may result in characteristic mutational patterns, as exemplified by deficiency of BRCA1/2 and efficacy prediction for PARP-inhibitors. We trained and evaluated predictive models for loss-of-function (LOF) of 145 individual DDR genes based on genome-wide mutational patterns, including structural variants, indels, and base-substitution signatures. We identified 24 genes whose deficiency could be predicted with good accuracy, including expected mutational patterns for BRCA1/2, MSH3/6, TP53, and CDK12 LOF variants. CDK12 is associated with tandem-duplications, and we here demonstrate that this association can accurately predict gene deficiency in prostate cancers (area under the ROC curve=0.97). Our novel associations include mono-or biallelic LOF variants of ATRX, IDH1, HERC2, CDKN2A, PTEN, and SMARCA4, and our systematic approach yielded a catalogue of predictive models, which may provide targets for further research and development of treatment, and potentially help guide therapy.

StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
ERH and AS were funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF15OC0016662), Cancer

Funding Information:
ERH and AS were funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF15OC0016662), Cancer Research UK (C23210/A7574), and the Danish National Research Foundation (Center grant, DNRF115). JSP, SGS, GAP, and MHC were funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark | Medical Sciences (8021-00419B), the Danish Cancer Society (R307-A17932), Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF-E-2020-6-14), a PhD stipend from Aarhus University, and a stipend from Research Foundation of Central Region Denmark (A2972).

Funding Information:
administration, which was supported by statistical predictions of homologous recombination

Funding Information:
by MSH3-d may have caused the majority of their LOF events. This notion is supported by

Funding Information:
Research UK (C23210/A7574), and the Danish National Research Foundation (Center grant,

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.

ID: 343294325