P4-ATPases on the spotlight: lessons from a green world

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskning

A fundamental feature of eukaryotic cells is the presence of distinct organelles surrounded by lipid bilayers. Assembly and maintenance of the various organellar membranes requires translocation of lipids from one leaflet of the bilayer to the other. Specific membrane proteins, termed lipid flippases, play an essential role in this transport process. We have recently characterized several members of the P4 subfamily of P-type ATPases as prime candidate lipid flippases in the secretory pathway of several eukaryotic cells. Our studies in yeast, plants and mammalian cells uncovered that these pumps, in coordination with their ß-subunits, serve important functions in vesicular trafficing, their activities being required to support vesicle formation in the secretory and endocytic pathways. We are now aiming at determining the mechanism by which these ATPases function in vesicle biogenesis. The characterization of several P4-ATPases with distinct localizations and lipid specificities allows us to get an overview of the different possible physiological roles of these proteins in the eukaryotic cells. A summary of our results, including physiological, biochemical and biophysical studies, will be presented and discussed.
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 2012
Begivenhed 44th Sandbjerg Meeting on Membrane Transport - Sønderborg gods, Sandbjerg, Danmark
Varighed: 14 maj 201216 maj 2012


Konference 44th Sandbjerg Meeting on Membrane Transport
LokationSønderborg gods

ID: 44172218