Orthopaedic registries with patient-reported outcome measures

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  • Ian Wilson
  • Eric Bohm
  • Anne Lübbeke
  • Stephen Lyman
  • Overgaard, Søren
  • Ola Rolfson
  • Annette W-Dahl
  • Mark Wilkinson
  • Michael Dunbar

□Total joint arthroplasty is performed to decreased pain, restore function and productivity and improve quality of life. □One-year implant survivorship following surgery is nearly 100%; however, self-reported satisfaction is 80% after total knee arthroplasty and 90% after total hip arthroplasty. □ Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are produced by patients reporting on their own health status directly without interpretation from a surgeon or other medical professional; a PRO measure (PROM) is a tool, often a questionnaire, that measures different aspects of patientrelated outcomes. □ Generic PROs are related to a patient's general health and quality of life, whereas a specific PRO is focused on a particular disease, symptom or anatomical region. □ While revision surgery is the traditional endpoint of registries, it is blunt and likely insufficient as a measure of success; PROMs address this shortcoming by expanding beyond survival and measuring outcomes that are relevant to patients - relief of pain, restoration of function and improvement in quality of life. □ PROMs are increasing in use in many national and regional orthopaedic arthroplasty registries. □PROMs data can provide important information on valuebased care, support quality assurance and improvement initiatives, help refine surgical indications and may improve shared decision-making and surgical timing. □There are several practical considerations that need to be considered when implementing PROMs collection, as the undertaking itself may be expensive, a burden to the patient, as well as being time and labour intensive.

TidsskriftEFORT Open Reviews
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)357-367
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2019
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 252053004