Organ-specific metabolic pathways distinguish prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and normal tissues

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Environmental and genetic factors cause defects in pancreatic islets driving type 2 diabetes (T2D) together with the progression of multi-tissue insulin resistance. Mass spectrometry proteomics on samples from five key metabolic tissues of a cross-sectional cohort of 43 multi-organ donors provides deep coverage of their proteomes. Enrichment analysis of Gene Ontology terms provides a tissue-specific map of altered biological processes across healthy, prediabetes (PD), and T2D subjects. We find widespread alterations in several relevant biological pathways, including increase in hemostasis in pancreatic islets of PD, increase in the complement cascade in liver and pancreatic islets of PD, and elevation in cholesterol biosynthesis in liver of T2D. Our findings point to inflammatory, immune, and vascular alterations in pancreatic islets in PD that are hypotheses to be tested for potential contributions to hormonal perturbations such as impaired insulin and increased glucagon production. This multi-tissue proteomic map suggests tissue-specific metabolic dysregulations in T2D.

TidsskriftCell Reports Medicine
Udgave nummer10
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by AstraZeneca (to C.W.); European Commission Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network TREATMENT ( H2020-MSCA-ITN-721236 to J.W.E. and M.J.P.); Swedish Diabetes Foundation ( Swedish Diabetes Association ; to C.W., J.W.E., O.K., and M.J.P.); Ernfors foundation (to C.W., J.W.E., O.K., and M.J.P.); Excellence for Diabetes Research in Sweden (EXODIAB; to C.W., J.W.E., O.K., and M.J.P.); Zetterling Foundation (to M.J.P.); Swedish Research Council (to O.K.); the Novo Nordisk Foundation ( NNF ; to O.K. and J.W.E.); eSSENCE grant (to J.K.); Uppsala University Hospital ALF grants (to J.W.E.); an unconditional donation from NNF to the NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research ( ) ( NNF18CC0034900 ); and the NNF Center for Protein Research ( NNF14CC001 ). The authors would also like to acknowledge Rebeca Soria Romero and the MS platform from the NNF Center for Protein Research for technical assistance and access to mass spectrometers.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Author(s)

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