Nurses' Experiences and Perceptions of two Early Warning Score systems to Identify Patient Deterioration—A Focus Group Study

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Aims: To explore Registered Nurses' experiences and perceptions with National Early Warning Score and Individual Early Warning Score to identify patient deterioration. Design: A qualitative exploratory design. Methods: Six focus groups were conducted at six Danish hospitals from February to June 2019. Registered Nurses from both medical, surgical and emergency departments participated. The focus groups were analysed using content analysis. Results: One theme and four categories were identified. Theme: Meaningful in identifying patient deterioration but causing frustration due to lack of flexibility. Categories: (a) Inter-professional collaboration strengthened through the use of Early Warning Score systems, (b) Enhanced professional development and communication among nurses when using Early Warning Score systems, (c) Detecting patient deterioration by integrating nurses' clinical gaze with Early Warning Score systems and (d) Modification and fear of making mistakes when using Early Warning Score systems.

TidsskriftNursing Open
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)1788-1796
StatusUdgivet - 2021

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