Neck pain and headache: Pathophysiology, treatments and future directions

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Neck pain is a prevalent neurologic and musculoskeletal complaint in the general population and is often associated with primary headache disorders such as migraine and tension-type headache (TTH). A considerable proportion, ranging from 73% to 90%, of people with migraine or TTH also experience neck pain, and there is a positive correlation between headache frequency and neck pain. Furthermore, neck pain has been identified as a risk factor for migraine and TTH. Although the exact underlying mechanisms linking neck pain to migraine and TTH remain uncertain, pain sensitivity appears to play an important role. People with migraine or TTH exhibit lower pressure pain thresholds and higher total tenderness scores compared with healthy controls.

This position paper aims to provide an overview of the current evidence on the relationship between neck pain and comorbid migraine or TTH. It will encompass the clinical presentation, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and management of neck pain in the context of migraine and TTH.

The relationship between neck pain and comorbid migraine or TTH is incompletely understood. In the absence of robust evidence, the management of neck pain in people with migraine or TTH relies mostly on expert opinion. A multidisciplinary approach is usually preferred, involving pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic strategies. Further research is necessary to fully dissect the linkage between neck pain and comorbid migraine or TTH. This includes the development of validated assessment tools, evaluation of treatment effectiveness, and exploration of genetic, imaging, and biochemical markers that might aid in diagnosis and treatment.
TidsskriftMusculoskeletal Science and Practice
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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© 2023

ID: 360260030