Modeling pathogenesis of primary liver cancer in lineage-specific mouse cell types

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  • Agnes Holczbauer
  • Valentina M Factor
  • Andersen, Jesper Bøje
  • Jens U Marquardt
  • David E Kleiner
  • Chiara Raggi
  • Mitsuteru Kitade
  • Daekwan Seo
  • Hirofumi Akita
  • Marian E Durkin
  • Snorri S Thorgeirsson
Human primary liver cancer is classified into biologically distinct subgroups based on cellular origin. Liver cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been recently described. We investigated the ability of distinct lineages of hepatic cells to become liver CSCs and the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of primary liver cancer.
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)221-31
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2013
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 97136348