Microstructural and Chemical Investigations of Presolar Silicates from Diverse Stellar Environments

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  • Manish N. Sanghani
  • Luc Lajaunie
  • Kuljeet Kaur Marhas
  • William D. A. Rickard
  • Silver Sung-Yun Hsiao
  • Zan Peeters
  • Hsien Shang
  • Der-Chuen Lee
  • Jose J. Calvino
  • Bizzarro, Martin

We report the structural and chemical investigation of nine presolar silicate grains from the CH3/CB(b)3 chondrite Isheyevo and CR2 chondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 801. Five of these grains belong to group 1, likely condensed in low- to intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, super-AGB stars, or core-collapse supernovae, while the remaining four grains belong to group 4 and have a supernova origin. The advanced transmission electron microscopy and associated electron spectroscopy analyses show a diverse range of chemical and structural compositions for presolar silicates. Two GEMS (glass with embedded metal and sulfide)-like silicates, each from different groups, condensed under nonequilibrium conditions in stellar outflows. Two nonstoichiometric silicates from group 1 have dissimilar formation and alteration histories. An amorphous silicate from group 1 with olivine-like [(Mg,Fe)(2)SiO4] composition likely formed as a crystalline olivine that subsequently amorphized in the interstellar medium. An oldhamite (CaS) grain within a stoichiometric enstatite (MgSiO3) from group 1 probably formed by heterogeneous condensation in circumstellar outflows. Of the two crystalline grains from group 4, one is an antigorite [(Mg,Fe)(3)Si2O5(OH)(4)], while the other is a nontronite [Na,Fe-2(Si,Al)(4)O-10(OH)(2).nH(2)O], both formed as a crystalline forsterite and later altered to have hydrated silicate composition. A group-4 silicate has a chemical composition similar to a low Ca-pyroxene [(Ca,Mg)(Si,Al)(2)O-6]. Our data imply that presolar grains from different groups can have a similar range of grain-formation conditions.

TidsskriftThe Astrophysical Journal
Udgave nummer2
Antal sider28
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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