Microlobectomy: A Novel Form of Endoscopic Lobectomy

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  • Joel Dunning
  • Mohamed Elsaegh
  • Marco Nardini
  • Erin A Gillaspie
  • Petersen, René Horsleben
  • Henrik Jessen Hansen
  • Bryan Helsel
  • Hatam Naase
  • Malgorzata Kornaszewska
  • Malcolm B Will
  • William S Walker
  • Dennis Wigle
  • Shanda Haley Blackmon

OBJECTIVE: Microlobectomy is a novel form of videoscopic-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy. Strict inclusion criteria consist of the following: no intercostal incisions greater than 5 mm, 12 mm subxiphoid port, subxiphoid removal of the specimen, total endoscopic technique with CO2 insufflation, vision through a 5-mm camera, stapling via the subxiphoid port, or with 5-mm stapling devices.

METHODS: The combined early experiences of six hospitals from three countries were combined from September 2014 to May 2016. During that time, the study represents a consecutive cohort study of this technique.

RESULTS: Seventy-two patients underwent microlobectomy. The median (range) age was 66 (27-82). Half of the patients were female. There were 48 right-sided resections and 24 on the left. There were four segmental resections and there was one right pneumonectomy. Four operations were performed robotically (with 8-mm intercostal incisions). The median (range) operative time was 180 (94-285) minutes and the blood loss was 118 (5-800) mL. There were three conversions to thoracotomy and two conversions to videoscopic-assisted thoracic surgery by means of an intercostal utility incision to complete the operation. The median (range) length of stay was 3 (1-44) days and 30 patients (42%) when home by day 2 and 16 patients (22%) were discharged on day 1. There were no deaths. Five patients (7%) had a prolonged airleak. There were no wound infections and there was one incisional hernia.

CONCLUSIONS: We believe that microlobectomy is an interesting novel form of videoscopic-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy and has several theoretical advantages. We have presented our early results and hope that this will stimulate others to investigate this type of videoscopic-assisted thoracic surgery lobectomy further.

TidsskriftInnovations (Philadelphia)
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)247-253
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2017

ID: 195159447