Method for inoculating yeast into fruit juice

Publikation: Patent

  • Holt, Sylvester (Opfinder)
  • Jan Hendrik Swiegers (Opfinder)
  • Annicka Bunte (Opfinder)
  • Mansour Badaki (Opfinder)
The present invention provides a new wine yeast product in a frozen form. The product is produced in a fermenter, concentrated, cryoprotectants are added. This mixture is then frozen at -50°C in suitable containers. What makes this product unique is that besides the fact that it is frozen, is that it can be directly added to grape juice as no rehydration is required because the yeast was not dehydrated in the production process. The product is currently in the form of a frozen bag (plastic DIM bag) containing 1kg of frozen yeast cell culture.
StatusUdgivet - 2011
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 321852846