Measuring the Potential of Local Green Growth – An Analysis of Greater Copenhagen: Highlights

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  • Samantha Sharpe
  • Andersen, Maj Munch
  • Rodin Genoff
  • Alicia Hanton
  • Klaus Rovsing Kristiansen
  • Kim Bek
  • Thomas Baagø Rasmussen
  • Michael Johansen
This briefing note summarises preliminary findings from the first case study in an OECD project to develop indicators for the green transition which can be used at the local level1. This new framework is being tested in regions in five countries: Denmark, Belgium, Chile, Germany and Luxembourg. Early results show that Copenhagen is well advanced on the path to a green economy; however, building on recent achievements, more can be done to accelerate the transition and secure Copenhagen’s leadership position in green industries and foster a green way of life for its citizens.
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2012
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 354033416