Maps of student discussions about sustainability: Integrating text-mining, network analysis and thematic discourse analysis

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We use a combination of network analysis (NA), text-mining (TM) techniques, and thematic discourse analysis (TDA) to characterise and compare student discussions about sustainable development. Three student groups at three different times were analysed. The analysis entails an iterative design where NA, TM, and TDA continuously inform each other to produce a rich and coherent picture of the discussions. The output of such an analysis is a set of maps of these discussions, which have both qualitative and quantitative uses. Qualitatively, the maps show how thematic patterns in the discussions are related for each group, and we see developments in student discourse with each discussion. Quantitatively, we use network motif analysis, entropy based measures, and degree distributions to distinguish between discussions.
Bidragets oversatte titelKortlægning af studerendes diskussioner om bæredygtighed: En integreret tilgang mellem text-mining, netværksanalyse og tematisk diskursanalyse
Publikationsdato22 jul. 2016
Antal sider1
StatusUdgivet - 22 jul. 2016
BegivenhedPhysics Education Research 2016: A Methodological Approach to PER - Sheraton Grand Sacramento, Sacramento, USA
Varighed: 21 jul. 201622 jul. 2016


KonferencePhysics Education Research 2016
LokationSheraton Grand Sacramento

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