Loss of NDG-4 extends lifespan and stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans

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  • Jeanette Brejning
  • Nørgaard, Steffen
  • Lone Schøler
  • Tine H. Morthorst
  • Helle Jakobsen
  • Gordon J. Lithgow
  • Louise T. Jensen
  • Anders Olsen

NDG-4 is a predicted transmembrane acyltransferase protein that acts in the distribution of lipophilic factors. Consequently, ndg-4 mutants lay eggs with a pale appearance due to lack of yolk, and they are resistant to sterility caused by dietary supplementation with the long-chain omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid dihommogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). Two other proteins, NRF-5 and NRF-6, a homolog of a mammalian secreted lipid binding protein and a NDG-4 homolog, respectively, have previously been shown to function in the same lipid transport pathway. Here, we report that mutation of the NDG-4 protein results in increased organismal stress resistance and lifespan. When NDG-4 function and insulin/IGF-1 signaling are reduced simultaneously, maximum lifespan is increased almost fivefold. Thus, longevity conferred by mutation of ndg-4 is partially overlapping with insulin signaling. The nuclear hormone receptor NHR-80 (HNF4 homolog) is required for longevity in germline less animals. We find that NHR-80 is also required for longevity of ndg-4 mutants. Moreover, we find that nrf-5 and nrf-6 mutants also have extended lifespan and increased stress resistance, suggesting that altered lipid transport and metabolism play key roles in determining lifespan.

TidsskriftAging Cell
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)156-164
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 1 feb. 2014
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 204184110