Long-term population trends of introduced mammals on an tropical island

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The introduction of species in areas with no top-down control is a recipe for ecosystem catastrophe. Theory predicts that introduced species in areas that lack predators may experience rapid growth and subsequently crash or stabilize around the carrying capacity. Impressively, there are very few studies on the population trend of tropical forest-dwelling mammals. In 1983, 100 individuals from 15 species of generalist mammals were introduced on an 828-ha tropical island in Southeast Brazil (Anchieta Island). Here, we present the status and population dynamics of the introduced species after 19, 21, 35, 38, and 39 years based on 611 km of line transects split into diurnal and nocturnal surveys. Among the introduced species, five were extinct and two species became super-abundant. The population of agouti has been fluctuating around 900 individuals and black-tufted marmoset around 600 individuals which may reflect the carrying capacity of the island. Our results showed that a tropical island, without top predators, resulted in a massive population explosion of 2 of the 15 introduced mammals, demonstrating that colonization and invasion processes are not straightforward to predict.

TidsskriftGlobal Ecology and Conservation
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank Priscila Saviolo from Fundação Florestal and the former directors from Anchieta Island for supporting our work. The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP-Biota; process 2014/01986-0) for financial support, Instituto Florestal (process 260108 – 005.309/2018), Fundação Florestal and Anchieta State Park management for technical and logistical support. JH was supported by CNPq (Grant #130769/2021-5). F.G, MG and RB were supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP; Grant 2014/01986-0, 2017/24252-0, 2019/00648-7). AF thanks Coordenaç ão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de N í vel Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001 for a scholarship and FAPERJ for a scholarship (process nº 240022 of E-26/202.198/2018 and process nº 255804 of Programa Pós-Doutorado NOTA 10 – 2020 “PDR102020″). MG receives a fellowship from CNPq. The census had the help of several volunteers including Adriana Cortez, Giulia Fuentes, Ignácio Martins, Isadora Barretto, Juliana de Almeida, Lucas Tomazella, Lucas Zakalski, Nádia Rossingnoli, Renan Dias in 2021; Alexsander Rabelo, Bruna Teixeira, Carolina Brunelli, Diego Pezonaga, Gabriela Santos, Jeniffer de Oliveira, Luciene Garcia, Paula Arruda, and Thiago Bassetti in 2022. We also thank the management team of the Anchieta Island State Park for the technical and logistical support, including Ana Wuo, Gabriela Carvalho, Natália Hara, Marcela Pedro, Claudio Kokubo, Diego Bellini, Liniker Marcondes, and all the other employees who supported the operational.

Funding Information:
We thank Priscila Saviolo from Fundação Florestal and the former directors from Anchieta Island for supporting our work. The São Paulo Research Foundation ( FAPESP -Biota; process 2014/01986-0 ) for financial support, Instituto Florestal (process 260108 – 005.309/2018), Fundação Florestal and Anchieta State Park management for technical and logistical support. JH was supported by CNPq (Grant #130769/2021-5 ). F.G, MG and RB were supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation ( FAPESP ; Grant 2014/01986-0 , 2017/24252-0 , 2019/00648-7 ). AF thanks Coordenaç ão de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de N í vel Superior – Brasil ( CAPES ) – Finance Code 001 for a scholarship and FAPERJ for a scholarship (process nº 240022 of E-26/202.198/2018 and process nº 255804 of Programa Pós-Doutorado NOTA 10 – 2020 “PDR102020″). MG receives a fellowship from CNPq. The census had the help of several volunteers including Adriana Cortez, Giulia Fuentes, Ignácio Martins, Isadora Barretto, Juliana de Almeida, Lucas Tomazella, Lucas Zakalski, Nádia Rossingnoli, Renan Dias in 2021; Alexsander Rabelo, Bruna Teixeira, Carolina Brunelli, Diego Pezonaga, Gabriela Santos, Jeniffer de Oliveira, Luciene Garcia, Paula Arruda, and Thiago Bassetti in 2022. We also thank the management team of the Anchieta Island State Park for the technical and logistical support, including Ana Wuo, Gabriela Carvalho, Natália Hara, Marcela Pedro, Claudio Kokubo, Diego Bellini, Liniker Marcondes, and all the other employees who supported the operational.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors

ID: 367713137