Liraglutide changes body composition and lowers added sugar intake in overweight persons with insulin pump-treated type 1 diabetes

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To present secondary outcome analyses of liraglutide treatment in overweight adults with insulin pump-treated type 1 diabetes (T1D), focusing on changes in body composition and dimensions, and to evaluate changes in food intake to identify potential dietary drivers of liraglutide-associated weight loss.

Materials and methods
A 26-week randomized placebo-controlled study was conducted to investigate the efficacy and safety of liraglutide 1.8 mg daily in 44 overweight adults with insulin pump-treated T1D and glucose levels above target, and demonstrated significant glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c)- and body weight-reducing effects. For secondary outcome analysis, dual X-ray absorptiometry scans were completed at Weeks 0 and 26, and questionnaire-based food frequency recordings were obtained at Weeks 0, 13 and 26 to characterize liraglutide-induced changes in body composition and food intake.

Total fat and lean body mass decreased in liraglutide-treated participants (fat mass −4.6 kg [95% confidence interval {CI} −5.7; −3.5], P < 0.001; lean mass −2.5 kg [95% CI −3.2;-1.7], P < 0.001), but remained stable in placebo-treated participants (fat mass −0.3 kg [95% CI −1.3;0.8], P = 0.604; lean mass 0.0 kg [95% CI −0.7;0.7]; P = 0.965 [between-group P values <0.001]). Participants reduced their energy intake numerically more in the liraglutide arm (−1.1 MJ [95% CI −2.0;-0.02], P = 0.02) than in the placebo arm (−0.9 MJ [95% CI −2.0;0.1], P = 0.22), but the between-group difference was statistically insignificant (P = 0.42). However, energy derived from added sugars decreased by 27% in the liraglutide arm compared with an increase of 14% in the placebo arm (P = 0.004).

Liraglutide lowered fat and lean body mass compared with placebo. Further, liraglutide reduced intake of added sugars. However, no significant difference in total daily energy intake was detected between liraglutide- and placebo-treated participants.
TidsskriftDiabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)212-220
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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