L-Arginine improves multiple physiological parameters in mice exposed to diet-induced metabolic disturbances

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L: -Arginine (L: -Arg) is a conditionally essential amino acid and a natural constituent of dietary proteins. Studies in obese rats and type 2 diabetic humans have indicated that dietary supplementation with L: -Arg can diminish gain in white adipose tissue (WAT) and improve insulin sensitivity. However, the effects of L: -Arg on glucose homeostasis, body composition and energy metabolism remain unclear. In addition, no studies have, to our knowledge, examined whether L: -Arg has beneficial effects as a dietary supplement in the mouse model. In the present study, we investigated the effects of L: -Arg supplementation to male C57BL/6 mice on an array of physiological parameters. L: -Arg supplemented mice were maintained on a low-protein diet and body composition, appetite regulation, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure were evaluated. A significant reduction in epididymal WAT was observed in L: -Arg supplemented mice compared with mice fed an isocaloric control diet. Surprisingly, the L: -Arg supplemented animals were hyperphagic corresponding to a highly significant decrease in feed efficiency, as body weight developed in a similar pattern in both experimental groups. Glucose homeostasis experiments revealed a major effect of L: -Arg supplementation on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, interestingly, independent of a parallel regulation in whole-body adiposity. Increased L: -Arg ingestion also raised energy expenditure; however, no concurrent effect on locomotor activity, substrate metabolism or expression of uncoupling proteins (UCP1 and UCP2) in adipose tissues was displayed. In conclusion, dietary L: -Arg supplementation substantially affects an array of metabolic-associated parameters including a reduction in WAT, hyperphagia, improved insulin sensitivity and increased energy expenditure in mice fed a low-protein diet.
TidsskriftAmino Acids
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)1265-1275
StatusUdgivet - 2012

Bibliografisk note

Keywords: L-Arginine; Diet; Amino acids; Low protein; Insulin sensitivity; Obesity; Diabetes

ID: 37587616