Highly deformed band structures due to core excitations in 123Xe

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  • Anwesha Basu
  • A. K. Singh
  • I. Ragnarsson
  • B. G. Carlsson
  • A. Kardan
  • G. B. Hagemann
  • G. Sletten
  • B. Herskind
  • H. Huebel
  • S. Chmel
  • A. N. Wilson
  • J. Rogers
  • R. V. F. Janssens
  • M. P. Carpenter
  • T. L. Khoo
  • F. G. Kondev
  • T. Lauritsen
  • S. Zhu
  • A. Korichi
  • P. Fallon
  • Og 2 flere
  • B. M. Nyako
  • J. Timar

High-spin states in Xe-123 were populated in the Se-80(Ca-48, 5n) Xe-123 reaction at a beam energy of 207 MeV. gamma-ray coincidence events were recorded with the Gammasphere spectrometer. Four new high-spin bands have been discovered in this nucleus. The bands are compared with those calculated within the framework of cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky-Bogoliubov models. It is concluded that the configurations of the bands involve two-proton excitations across the Z = 50 as well as excitation of neutrons across the N = 82 shell gaps resulting in a large deformation, epsilon(2) approximate to 0.30 and gamma approximate to 5 degrees.

TidsskriftPhysical Review C
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 4 jan. 2021

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