Helkrops magnetisk resonans-angiografi

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Whole-body magnetic resonance angiography (WB-MRA) is a new approach for diagnosing atherosclerosis. Through utilisation of fast whole-body MRI systems, the arterial system, excluding the intracranial and coronary arteries, can be investigated in one examination. WB-MRA has the potential of replacing conventional catheter-based angiography in the diagnostic workup of patients with atherosclerotic disease. Developments in MRI contrast agents and MRI systems may further improve WB-MRA
Udgivelsesdato: 2008/8/18
TidsskriftUgeskrift for læger
Udgave nummer34
Sider (fra-til)2575-2578
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 13910897