Heat shock induces premature transcript termination and reconfigures the human transcriptome

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The heat shock (HS) response involves rapid induction of HS genes, whereas transcriptional repression is established more slowly at most other genes. Previous data suggested that such repression results from inhibition of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) pause release, but here, we show that HS strongly affects other phases of the transcription cycle. Intriguingly, while elongation rates increase upon HS, processivity markedly decreases, so that RNAPII frequently fails to reach the end of genes. Indeed, HS results in widespread premature transcript termination at cryptic, intronic polyadenylation (IPA) sites near gene 5′-ends, likely via inhibition of U1 telescripting. This results in dramatic reconfiguration of the human transcriptome with production of new, previously unannotated, short mRNAs that accumulate in the nucleus. Together, these results shed new light on the basic transcription mechanisms induced by growth at elevated temperature and show that a genome-wide shift toward usage of IPA sites can occur under physiological conditions.

TidsskriftMolecular Cell
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)1573-1588.e10
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Francis Crick Institute (FCI receives funding from Cancer Research UK [ FC001166 ], the UK Medical Research Council [ FC001166 ], and the Wellcome Trust [ FC001166 ]), and by grants to J.Q.S. from the European Research Council (Agreement 693327 ), a Laureate grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation ( NNF19OC0055875 ), and a Chair grant from the Danish National Research Foundation ( DNRF153 ). We thank Drs. Simon Boulton and Andreas Mayer for plasmids, FCI’s Advanced Sequencing Facility and Cell Services for expert technical assistance, Barbara Dirac-Svejstrup for comments on the manuscript, and Svejstrup lab members for discussions.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors

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