Hanging deaths with fabrics as ligatures: demographics and injuries in neck structures

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningfagfællebedømt

We retrospectively analyzed the autopsy records of the Swedish National Board
of Forensic Medicine between 1992 and 2018 to document the characteristics of
suicidal hangings with a ligature made of fabric.
Among the 146 identified cases the compression mark was most often > 2 cm (65.1
%) in width, V-shaped (80.8 %) and localized at the front/right/left side of the neck
(57.5 %). The skin at the compression mark was most often parchment-dried (78.1
%), grooved in (52.1 %) and/or abraded (50.0%).
Petechial bleedings were observed more often (54.8 %) in comparison to the
results of studies on unselected hangings (23-46 %). In cases of underweight
and obesity a non-conclusive negativ association were observed with petechial
bleedings, in comparison to normal weight, using an univariate logistic regression
Fractures of the hyoid bone and/or the thyroid cartilage were just as common
(31.5 %) as in studies on unselected hangings (20-47 %). In a logistic regression
model a conclusive association were observed between fractures and increasing
age and a non-conclusive association were observed between fractures and
increasing BMI.
In suicidal hangings with a ligature made of fabrics, the compression mark was
most often > 2 cm in width, parchment dried and in about half of the cases it was
grooved in and/or abraded. Also, petechial bleedings tended to be more common,
while fractures was just as common as in unselected suicidal hangings with
different types of ligature. Following this, findings may indicate that body size and
ligature material influence the development of petechial bleedings and fractures.
Publikationsdato30 maj 2022
StatusUdgivet - 30 maj 2022
Eksternt udgivetJa
Begivenhed9th conference of the European Academy of Forensic Sciences - Stockholm, Sverige
Varighed: 30 maj 2022 → …


Konference9th conference of the European Academy of Forensic Sciences
Periode30/05/2022 → …

ID: 364958233