GID E3 ligase supramolecular chelate assembly configures multipronged ubiquitin targeting of an oligomeric metabolic enzyme

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  • Dawafuti Sherpa
  • Jakub Chrustowicz
  • Shuai Qiao
  • Christine R Langlois
  • Laura A Hehl
  • Karthik Varma Gottemukkala
  • Fynn M Hansen
  • Ozge Karayel
  • Susanne von Gronau
  • J Rajan Prabu
  • Mann, Matthias
  • Arno F Alpi
  • Brenda A Schulman

How are E3 ubiquitin ligases configured to match substrate quaternary structures? Here, by studying the yeast GID complex (mutation of which causes deficiency in glucose-induced degradation of gluconeogenic enzymes), we discover supramolecular chelate assembly as an E3 ligase strategy for targeting an oligomeric substrate. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures show that, to bind the tetrameric substrate fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (Fbp1), two minimally functional GID E3s assemble into the 20-protein Chelator-GIDSR4, which resembles an organometallic supramolecular chelate. The Chelator-GIDSR4 assembly avidly binds multiple Fbp1 degrons so that multiple Fbp1 protomers are simultaneously ubiquitylated at lysines near the allosteric and substrate binding sites. Importantly, key structural and biochemical features, including capacity for supramolecular assembly, are preserved in the human ortholog, the CTLH E3. Based on our integrative structural, biochemical, and cell biological data, we propose that higher-order E3 ligase assembly generally enables multipronged targeting, capable of simultaneously incapacitating multiple protomers and functionalities of oligomeric substrates.

TidsskriftMolecular Cell
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 22 apr. 2021
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 261518068