Generation of a set of isogenic, gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for all main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line

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  • Benjamin Schmid
  • Kennie R. Prehn
  • Natakarn Nimsanor
  • Aldana, Blanca I.
  • Ulla Poulsen
  • Ida Jorring
  • Mikkel A. Rasmussen
  • Christian Clausen
  • Ulrike A. Mau-Holzmann
  • Sarayu Ramakrishna
  • Ravi Muddashetty
  • Rachel Steeg
  • Kevin Bruce
  • Peter Mackintosh
  • Andreas Ebneth
  • Bjorn Holst
  • Alfredo Cabrera-Socorro

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most frequent neurodegenerative disease amongst the elderly. The SNPs rs429358 and rs7412 in the APOE gene are the most common risk factor for sporadic AD, and there are three different alleles commonly referred to as APOE-epsilon 2, APOE-epsilon 3 and APOE-epsilon 4. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hold great promise to model AD as such cells can be differentiated in vitro to the required cell type. Here we report the use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology employed on iPSCs from a healthy individual with an APOE-epsilon 3/epsilon 4 genotype to obtain isogenic APOE-epsilon 2/epsilon 2, APOE-epsilon 3/epsilon 3, APOE-epsilon 4/epsilon 4 lines as well as an APOE-knock-out line.

TidsskriftStem Cell Research
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2019

Bibliografisk note

Corrigendum to “Generation of a set of isogenic, gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for all main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line” [Stem Cell Res. 34/1873–5061 (2019) 101349–55]
Stem Cell Research, Volume 48, October 2020, Pages 102005

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