Evaluating the clinical utility of the patient-identified most bothersome symptom measure from PROMISE-2 for research in migraine prevention

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  • Richard B Lipton
  • Peter J Goadsby
  • David W Dodick
  • James S. McGinley
  • Carrie R. Houts
  • R. J. Wirth
  • Steve Kymes
  • Anders Ettrup
  • Ole Østerberg
  • Roger Cady
  • dlt446, dlt446
  • Dawn C Buse

Objective: To assess the utility of the novel patient-identified (PI) most bothersome symptom (MBS) measure from PROMISE-2, a phase 3 trial of eptinezumab for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. Background: Relief of bothersome migraine symptoms can influence satisfaction with treatment and therapeutic persistence. Understanding the impact of preventive treatment on a PI-MBS could improve clinical decision-making. Methods: In PROMISE-2, patients with chronic migraine received eptinezumab 100, 300 mg, or placebo administered intravenously every 12 weeks for up to 2 doses (n = 1072). PI-MBS was an exploratory outcome requiring each patient to self-report their MBS in response to an open-ended question. At baseline and week 12, patients rated overall improvement in PI-MBS. The relationships among PI-MBS at week 12 and change in monthly migraine days (MMDs) from baseline to month 3 (weeks 9–12), Patient Global Impression of Change at week 12, and changes from baseline to week 12 in the 6-item Headache Impact Test total, EuroQol 5-dimensions 5-levels visual analog scale, and 36-item Short-Form Health Survey component scores were assessed. Results: Treatment groups had similar baseline characteristics and reported a total of 23 unique PI-MBS, most commonly light sensitivity (200/1072, 18.7%), nausea/vomiting (162/1072, 15.1%), and pain with activity (147/1072, 13.7%). Improvements in PI-MBS at week 12 correlated with changes in MMDs (ρ = −0.49; p < 0.0001) and other patient-reported outcomes. Controlling for changes in MMDs, PI-MBS improvement predicted other patient-reported outcomes in expected directions. The magnitude of the standardized mean differences between placebo and active treatment for PI-MBS were 0.31 (p < 0.0001 vs. placebo) and 0.54 (p < 0.0001 vs. placebo) for eptinezumab 100 and 300 mg, respectively. Conclusions: Improvement in PI-MBS at week 12 was associated with improvement in other patient-reported outcome measures, and PI-MBS may be an important patient-centered measure of treatment benefits in patients with chronic migraine.

Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)690-699
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was funded by H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Headache Society.

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