Erythrocytes Are Oxygen-Sensing Regulators of the Cerebral Microcirculation

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  • Helen Shinru Wei
  • Hongyi Kang
  • Izad-Yar Daniel Rasheed
  • Sitong Zhou
  • Nanhong Lou
  • Anna Gershteyn
  • Evan Daniel McConnell
  • Yixuan Wang
  • Kristopher Emil Richardson
  • Andre Francis Palmer
  • Chris Xu
  • Jiandi Wan
  • Nedergaard, Maiken

Energy production in the brain depends almost exclusively on oxidative metabolism. Neurons have small energy reserves and require a continuous supply of oxygen (O2). It is therefore not surprising that one of the hallmarks of normal brain function is the tight coupling between cerebral blood flow and neuronal activity. Since capillaries are embedded in the O2-consuming neuropil, we have here examined whether activity-dependent dips in O2 tension drive capillary hyperemia. In vivo analyses showed that transient dips in tissue O2 tension elicit capillary hyperemia. Ex vivo experiments revealed that red blood cells (RBCs) themselves act as O2 sensors that autonomously regulate their own deformability and thereby flow velocity through capillaries in response to physiological decreases in O2 tension. This observation has broad implications for understanding how local changes in blood flow are coupled to synaptic transmission.

Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)851-862
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 17 aug. 2016

ID: 164971619