Epigenetic Marks at the Ribosomal DNA Promoter in Skeletal Muscle Are Negatively Associated With Degree of Impairment in Cerebral Palsy

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  • Ferdinand von Walden
  • Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalo
  • Pingel, Jessica
  • John McCarthy
  • Per Stål
  • Eva Pontén

Introduction: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor impairment in children. Skeletal muscles in individuals with CP are typically weak, thin, and stiff. Whether epigenetic changes at the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) promoter are involved in this dysregulation remains unknown. Methods: Skeletal muscle samples were collected from 19 children with CP and 10 typically developed (TD) control children. Methylation of the rDNA promoter was analyzed using the Agena Epityper Mass array and gene expression by qRT-PCR. Results: Biceps brachii muscle ribosome biogenesis was suppressed in CP as compared to TD. Average methylation of the rDNA promoter was not different between CP and TD but negatively correlated to elbow flexor contracture in the CP group. Discussions: We observed a negative correlation between rDNA promoter methylation and degree of muscle contracture in the CP group. Children with CP with more severe motor impairment had less methylation of the rDNA promoter compared to less affected children. This finding suggests the importance of neural input and voluntary muscle movements for promoter methylation to occur in the biceps muscle.

TidsskriftFrontiers in Pediatrics
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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ID: 244320475