Energy balance measurement: when something is not better than nothing

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  • N V Dhurandhar
  • D Schoeller
  • A W Brown
  • S B Heymsfield
  • D Thomas
  • Sørensen, Thorkild I.A.
  • J R Speakman
  • M Jeansonne
  • D B Allison
  • Arne Astrup
  • Energy Balance Measurement Working Group

Energy intake (EI) and physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) are key modifiable determinants of energy balance, traditionally assessed by self-report despite its repeated demonstration of considerable inaccuracies. We argue here that it is time to move from the common view that self-reports of EI and PAEE are imperfect, but nevertheless deserving of use, to a view commensurate with the evidence that self-reports of EI and PAEE are so poor that they are wholly unacceptable for scientific research on EI and PAEE. While new strategies for objectively determining energy balance are in their infancy, it is unacceptable to use decidedly inaccurate instruments, which may misguide health-care policies, future research and clinical judgment. The scientific and medical communities should discontinue reliance on self-reported EI and PAEE. Researchers and sponsors should develop objective measures of energy balance.

TidsskriftInternational journal of obesity (2005)
Sider (fra-til)1109-13
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2015

Bibliografisk note

CURIS 2015 NEXS 433

ID: 150711861