Effect of Adrenomedullin on Migraine-Like Attacks in Patients With Migraine: A Randomized Crossover Study

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  • Hashmat Ghanizada
  • Mohammad Al Mahdi Al-Karagholi
  • Nanna Arngrim
  • Mette Mørch-Rasmussen
  • Christopher S. Walker
  • Debbie L. Hay
  • dlt446, dlt446

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the IV infusion of adrenomedullin, a potent vasodilator belonging to calcitonin family of peptides, provokes attacks of migraine in patients. METHODS: Twenty patients with migraine without aura participated in a placebo-controlled and double-blind clinical study. In a randomized crossover design, the patients received an IV infusion of human adrenomedullin (19.9 pmol/kg/min) or placebo (saline) administrated via an automated IV pump (20 minutes). The patients participated in 2 study days with a washout period of minimum of 7 days. The primary outcome of the study was predefined as a difference in migraine incidence (0-12 hours), and the secondary outcomes were the area under curve (AUC0-12 hours) for the headache intensity score and AUC0-90 minutes for mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), flushing, and heart rate (HR). RESULTS: Eleven patients with migraine without aura (55%) fulfilled migraine attacks criteria after adrenomedullin infusion compared to only 3 patients who reported attack (15%) after placebo (p = 0.039). We found that patients reported in a period of 0 to 12 hours stronger headache intensity after adrenomedullin compared to placebo infusion (p = 0.035). AUC0-90 minutes value for HR and flushing (p < 0.05) was significant and for MAP (p = 0.502) remained unchanged. Common reported adverse events were facial flushing, heat sensation, and palpitation (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our data implicate adrenomedullin in migraine pathogenesis. This suggests that adrenomedullin or its receptors are novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of migraine. However, we cannot discount the possibility that adrenomedullin may be acting through the canonical calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor. TRIAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04111484.

Udgave nummer20
Sider (fra-til)e2488-e2499
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 18 maj 2021

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 American Academy of Neurology.

ID: 282094364