Early tumor regrowth is a contributor to impaired survival in patients with completely resected advanced ovarian cancer. An exploratory analysis of the Intergroup trial AGO-OVAR 12

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  • F. Heitz
  • P. Harter
  • E. Åvall-lundqvist
  • A. Reuss
  • P. Pautier
  • G. Cormio
  • N. Colombo
  • A. Reinthaller
  • I. Vergote
  • A. Poveda
  • P.b. Ottevanger
  • L.c. Hanker
  • A. Leminen
  • J. Alexandre
  • U. Canzler
  • J. Sehouli
  • Herrstedt, Jørn
  • B. Fiane
  • M. Merger
  • A. Du Bois
TidsskriftGynecologic Oncology
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)235-242
StatusUdgivet - 2019

ID: 239258511