EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide 2.0

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  • Stephanie Dramburg
  • Christiane Hilger
  • Alexandra F. Santos
  • Leticia de las Vecillas
  • Rob C. Aalberse
  • Nathalie Acevedo
  • Lorenz Aglas
  • Friedrich Altmann
  • Karla L. Arruda
  • Riccardo Asero
  • Barbara Ballmer-Weber
  • Domingo Barber
  • Kirsten Beyer
  • Tilo Biedermann
  • Maria Beatrice Bilo
  • Simon Blank
  • Philipp P Bosshard
  • Heimo Breiteneder
  • Helen A. Brough
  • Merima Bublin
  • Dianne Campbell
  • Luis Caraballo
  • Jean Christoph Caubet
  • Giorgio Celi
  • Martin D. Chapman
  • Maksymilian Chruszcz
  • Adnan Custovic
  • Rebecca Czolk
  • Janet Davies
  • Nikolaos Douladiris
  • Bernadette Eberlein
  • Motohiro Ebisawa
  • Anna Ehlers
  • Philippe Eigenmann
  • Gabriele Gadermaier
  • Mattia Giovannini
  • Francisca Gomez
  • Rebecca Grohman
  • Carole Guillet
  • Christine Hafner
  • Robert G Hamilton
  • Michael Hauser
  • Thomas Hawranek
  • Hans Jürgen Hoffmann
  • Thomas Holzhauser
  • Tomona Iizuka
  • Alain Jacquet
  • Thilo Jakob
  • Bente Janssen-Weets
  • Uta Jappe
  • Marek Jutel
  • Tanja Kalic
  • Sandip Kamath
  • Sabine Kespohl
  • Jörg Kleine-Tebbe
  • Edward Knol
  • André Knulst
  • Jon R. Konradsen
  • Peter Korošec
  • Annette Kuehn
  • Gideon Lack
  • Thuy My Le
  • Andreas Lopata
  • Olga Luengo
  • Mika Mäkelä
  • Alessandro Maria Marra
  • Clare Mills
  • Martine Morisset
  • Antonella Muraro
  • Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn
  • Roni Nugraha
  • Markus Ollert
  • Kati Palosuo
  • Elide Anna Pastorello
  • Sarita Ulhas Patil
  • Thomas Platts-Mills
  • Anna Pomés
  • Pascal Poncet
  • Ekaterina Potapova
  • Christian Radauer
  • Suzana Radulovic
  • Monika Raulf
  • Pierre Rougé
  • Joaquin Sastre
  • Sakura Sato
  • Enrico Scala
  • Johannes M. Schmid
  • Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier
  • Denise Schrama
  • Hélène Sénéchal
  • Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
  • Marcela Valverde-Monge
  • Marianne van Hage
  • Ronald van Ree
  • Kitty Verhoeckx
  • Stefan Vieths
  • Magnus Wickman
  • Josefina Zakzuk
  • Paolo M Matricardi
  • Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber

Since the discovery of immunoglobulin E (IgE) as a mediator of allergic diseases in 1967, our knowledge about the immunological mechanisms of IgE-mediated allergies has remarkably increased. In addition to understanding the immune response and clinical symptoms, allergy diagnosis and management depend strongly on the precise identification of the elicitors of the IgE-mediated allergic reaction. In the past four decades, innovations in bioscience and technology have facilitated the identification and production of well-defined, highly pure molecules for component-resolved diagnosis (CRD), allowing a personalized diagnosis and management of the allergic disease for individual patients. The first edition of the “EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide” (MAUG) in 2016 rapidly became a key reference for clinicians, scientists, and interested readers with a background in allergology, immunology, biology, and medicine. Nevertheless, the field of molecular allergology is moving fast, and after 6 years, a new EAACI Taskforce was established to provide an updated document. The Molecular Allergology User's Guide 2.0 summarizes state-of-the-art information on allergen molecules, their clinical relevance, and their application in diagnostic algorithms for clinical practice. It is designed for both, clinicians and scientists, guiding health care professionals through the overwhelming list of different allergen molecules available for testing. Further, it provides diagnostic algorithms on the clinical relevance of allergenic molecules and gives an overview of their biology, the basic mechanisms of test formats, and the application of tests to measure allergen exposure.

TidsskriftPediatric Allergy and Immunology
Udgave nummerS28
Antal sider386
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
. reports grant support from ITN070AD, (Impact of Ad Libitum Peanut Consumption and Genetics in LEAP Participants and Families: LEAP Participant, Sibling and Parent Cohorts (LEAP Trio)," subaward FY21ITN280 (between Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason and GSTT). S.R

Funding Information:
is committee member of IFPIES, Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and American Board of Allergy and Immunology; received grant support from DBV Technologies, Regeneron, Alladapt; and consulting fees from Aquestive; speaker's honoraria from Nestle, Danone, and ThermoFisher Sci; A. N‐W.

Funding Information:
. is a member of the Food allergy working group of the French Society of Allergology; reports grant support from Novartis; received speaker's honoraria from Stallergenes Greer, Novartis, ALK, and ThermoFisher; M.M

Funding Information:
. reports grant support from Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Danube Allergy Research Cluster funded by the Country of Lower Austria; author Royalties from UpToDate Inc. (Wolters Kluwer Health); and lecturer's honorarium from Imperial College London, “Allergy Master of Sciences Programme” H.B

Funding Information:
reports grants from Australian NHMRC Aus Pollen Partnership (GNT1116107); Abionic SA (Switzerland) co‐funding of collaboration research grant from NFMRI; and patent: US PTO 14/311944 owned by QUT; AU2008/316301 owned by QUT; R.C.

Funding Information:
board member of HESI Protein Allergenicity and Toxins Bioinformatics Committee; holds stock options for Anagany Inc; received grants from Dutch Science Foundation; Health Holland; Angany Inc.; consulting fees from HAL Allergy BV; Citeq Inc., Anagany Inc., Reacta Healthcare Ltd, Mission MightyMe, and AB Enzymes; speaker's honoraria from ThermoFisher Sci. HAL Allergy BV and ALK; travel support from Anagany Inc. R.vR.

Funding Information:
. reports grant support from Danube Allergy Research Cluster funded by Country of Lower Austria; and is a member of the advisory board from Allergios; C.Ha

Funding Information:
reports grant support from Ulrich Muller Gierock Foundation; consulting fees from DBV, Nestle, Danone, Novartis, Abbott, Alexeia and ThermoFisher; travel support from EAACI, ThermoFisher; royalties from upToDate; Elsevier; speaker's honoraria from TF, Abbott; ALK; and holds stock options from DBV Technologies; P.A.E.

Funding Information:
is supported by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine faculty Scholarship; R.G. H.

Funding Information:
is member of the Scientific Board of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI); Executive Committee of the WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Subcommittee; editorial Board Member of the Journal “Allergy.” She reports grants from the German Research Foundation: DFG JA 1007/2‐3; Federal Ministery of Education and Science: DZL: German Center for Lung Research; AA‐FPB;FKZ:01EA2109B; Verbundprojekt ImprovNgDIagnostiCs and Therapy; INDICATE‐FH BMEL and BLE AptaSens; has received consulting fees from Frauenhofer Zukunftsstiftung; and files for Patent: Project 14‐00142 (Basophil‐Activation Test), pending; U.J.

Funding Information:
is board member of BSACI Paediatric Allergy Group and President Elect of the Royal Society of Medicine; She reports grants from NIH Seal Study and Aimmune; royalties from Wiley Rapid Paediatrics and Speaker's honoraria from DBV Technologies, Sanofi, and GSK; travel support from EAACI, BSACI; and is in the advisory board of SEED Study and IREACH Study; He.Bro.

Funding Information:
is nonexecutive Director from Reacta Biotech Ltd until November 2019; Member of the Food Standards Agency Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes; and holds founder shares of Reacta Biotech Ltd; she reports grants from Reacta B UK Research and Innovation – Innovate, Swindon, UK, Biotech Ltd, European Food Safety Authority, Food Standards Agency, London, UK; consultancy fees received from Reacta Biotech Ltd; travel support from Romer Laboratories UK Ltd to attend CIFSQ, Shanghai, China, Dec 2019; and is patent holder Int. Patent Application (PCT); Oral Food Challenge Meal Formulations—Kit for allergy diagnosis. Application number:PCT/GB2016/051637; Int. Patent application (PCT): Oral Food Challenge Meal Formulations: Kits comprising placebo and nonplacebo oral food challenge meal formulations. Application number: PCT/GB2016/053829; C.M.

Funding Information:
received grant support from the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Colombia (Grants 756‐2017, 806‐2018) and reports speaker's honorarium from Sanofi at scientific events; N.A.

Funding Information:
received grants from Thermo Fisher Sci., Bencard Allergie GmbH, Allergy Therapeutics plc, and Leti Pharma; consulting fees from Bencard Allergie GmbH and speaker honoraria from DGAKI, Bencard; Allergie GmbH, and Thermo Fisher Sci. S.B.

Funding Information:
advisory board member from Deutscher Allergie‐ und Asthmabund eV, DAAB; German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety; Senate Commission on Food Safety of the German Research Foundation, DFG‐SKLM; International Life Sciences Institute, ILSI Europe; received grants from European Dir. for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care; EU‐COST Action ImpARAS; German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture; and obtained travel support from Food Allergy Forum April,2019, Bastiaanse‐communication, Bilthoven, NL; T.Ho. is

Funding Information:
is the Chair of Allergy Diagnosis and Systems Medicine Interest Group of EAACI and receives grants from Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg and has a research collaboration with MacroArray Diagnostics; received speaker's honorarium from ALK and travel support from HAL Allergy. C.H.

Funding Information:
. is employed by InBio Inc; she reports grant from NIH Award Number R01AI077653 (to AP); received speaker's honorarium from ThermoFisher Sci. A.P

Funding Information:
is Chair of the EAACI interest group Food Allergy and has received grants from MRC UK, NIH USA, FARE USA; Asthma UK, Rosetrees Trust, Wellcome Trust, and BBSRC; reports consulting fees from IgGenix, Novartis, Allergy Therapeutics; and Stallergenes; Speaker's honoraria from Novartis, ThermoFisher, Nutricia, Buhlmann, and Nestle and is in the advisory board from Allergy Therapeutics; A.F.S.

Funding Information:
. reports grant support from Hycor Biomedical; E.P

Funding Information:
is Vice president of Science EAACI; he reports grant support from Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg, consulting fees from Hycor Biomedical; speaker's honoraria from Hycor Biomedical, ThermoFisher Sci. Phadia, consulting fees from the Ministry of Health, Government of Luxembourg; travel support from EAACI for annual congresses; patents pending: WO2019/076478Al; WO2019/076477Al; scientific co‐founder ofTolerogenics SARL, Esch‐sur‐Alzette; M.O.

Funding Information:
is the Chair of EAACI Scientific Media Communications Committee (til 2022/07) and reports research grants from Euroimmun Labordiagnostika, consulting fees from Leti Pharma, Bencard Allergie GmbH and OMRON Healthcare Technologies Co. Ltd and has received speaker's honoraria from Bencard Allergie GmbH; and Allergopharma and is in the advisory board from Bencard Allergie GmbH. S.D.

Funding Information:
is the current treasurer of the Danish Society of Allergology; he reports grant from the Danish Innovation Funds; and is filing Patent 74490PC01; has received travel support from AAAAI; H.J.H.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology published by European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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